
The school nurse:  coming soon

Clinic hours are Monday thru Friday 7:00am – 2:30pm.
Parents should discuss chronic medical conditions and student medical needs at the beginning of every school year or as needs arise. Parents are also required to complete the emergency information form each year and provide current working phone numbers of all contacts listed.
For safety and security reasons, students are not permitted to bring any medications to school. This includes over-the-counter medications like Tylenol and Ibuprofen.
If a student needs to take medication during the school day, the following procedures must be followed:
All medication must be administered by the school nurse or designated trained person.
Whenever possible, medication should be taken at home. If you must take medication at school, the following rules apply.
PARENTS must bring the medication to school and complete the authorization form.
Prescription medications must be in the original pharmacy labeled container. Parents can ask their pharmacist to provide them with two containers: one for school and one for home. Medications including eye drops cannot be transferred to and from school.

Over the counter medications:
The clinic stocks ibuprofen (generic Advil), acetaminophen (generic Tylenol), calcium carbonate (generic Tums), and diphenhydramine (generic Benadryl). Authorization forms must be completed every school year.
All other over the counter medications will only be accepted in the factory sealed original container with a signed authorization form.
Inhalers and Epi-pens, diabetic supplies, and pancreatic enzymes may be carried by the student, as long as the proper self-carry forms are on file with the school. These forms require physician signature and are available in the clinic and must be renewed every school year.
Illness - Please keep your student home if they have a fever of 100.5 or higher until they are fever free without the use of fever-reducing medications for 24 hours. Send in an excuse note with the student within 2 days of absence.

Authorization for Stock Acetaminophen

Authorization for Stock Ibuprofen

Authorization for Stock Diphenhydramine

Authorization for Stock Calcium Carbonate

Authorization Medication blank form

Authorization to self-carry medication school sponsored activity

FINAL FNS Diet Form SY 2016_17.pdf 

Asthma MD Action Plan  

Acute Concussion Evaluation Care Plan

Physician ordered procedures 

Allergy Action Plan

Vision Opt Out Form