Dual Enrollment


Dual enrollment is an articulated acceleration mechanism open to secondary students who are attending public high school. To enroll in dual enrollment academic courses, students must demonstrate a readiness to successfully complete college-level course work and have attained a qualifying grade point average. In order to determine the high school equivalency and the high school credit awarded for postsecondary courses completed through dual enrollment, please refer to the most current Dual Enrollment Equivalency List. 


There is no single "best" pathway for every student. We encourage students and families to consult with their Guidance Counselor and the College and Career Specialist to discuss individual goals and how DE and/or AP classes can help them achieve their academic goals.  

College-level dual enrollment courses are weighted the same as Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, and Advanced International Certification of Education courses when grade point averages are calculated, but the decision between AP and Dual Enrollment is a personal decision based on each student's academic goals and post secondary plans. 


All WOHS students who meet the eligibility requirements have the opportunity to earn college credits for free through dual enrollment coursework with the colleges and universities that WOHS has articulation agreements including:

» Valencia College
» University of Florida
» University of Central Florida
» Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
» Orange Technical College


» Valencia Dual Enrollment Website

Enrollment Requirements

» 9th - 12th grade students 
» 3.0 unweighted high school GPA (3.0 weighted for upcoming seniors)
» Meet qualifying test scores. Click for information on testing requirements. 

Application Information

SPRING 2023 Deadlines 

 Application Opens  September 12, 2022
 Application Deadline    October 10, 2022
 Assessment Score Submission Deadline        November 10, 2022

» SPRING 2023 Application Step-by-Step Guide
» SPRING 2023 Application Instructions

Current Valencia Student Resources
» Approved Course List
Textbook Ordering Video Tutorial
» Download Textbook Ordering Instructions
» Student Resources Website: ATLAS support, Contact Information,  AA information, etc.

Students interested dual enrollment should schedule an appointment with their guidance counselor here



» University of Florida Dual Enrollment website

Eligible accelerated high school students can access fully online courses taught by University of Florida faculty that provide students with a college learning experience and adhere to the UF academic calendar.

Enrollment Requirements
» 11th - 12th grade students
» Maintain 3.6 high school GPA
» Take one of the three following standardized tests:

SAT     1100 composite
ACT  22 composite
PSAT    1130

*Note: ALL students must reapply each semester in order to take classes with UF Dual Enrollment,  including current and previous students.

Application Deadlines 

SPRING 2023 Application Opens        October 12, 2022
SPRING 2023 Application Deadline    
November 18, 2022

General Information
» Enrollment Guidelines + Process
» UF Dual Enrollment FAQ's
» Prospective Student Resources Website

Students interested dual enrollment should schedule an appointment with their guidance counselor 

University of Central Florida logo

University of Central Florida Dual Enrollment website

Students who have demonstrated exceptional academic ability can be considered for enrollment as UCF students while simultaneously completing high school graduation requirements.

Enrollment Requirements
» 9th - 12th grade students 
» Minimum 3.8 high school GPA *(as re-calculated by UCF using only academic core courses)
Submit SAT or ACT scores of at least: 

SAT     1330 (evidence based reading and writing + math)
ACT  28 composite

Application Deadlines 

 Spring 2023 Application Deadline November 1, 2022
 Summer 2023 Application Deadline    March 1, 2023
 Fall 2023 Application Deadline      May 1, 2023

Students interested dual enrollment should schedule an appointment with their guidance counselor here

Embry-Riddle University Logo

» Embry-Riddle Dual Enrollment website

Eligible accelerated high school students can access fully online courses taught by University of Florida faculty that provide students with a college learning experience and adhere to the UF academic calendar.

Enrollment Requirements
» 9th - 12th grade students (9th graders are evaluated by Embry-Riddle on a case by case basis)
» Academic rigor in all high school coursework
» 2.75 unweighted high school GPA (3.0 is preferred) 
» Submit completed application

» Click for complete Admission Requirements

General Information
» Prospective Student Resources website
» Course List

Colonel Brian Noe
email: [email protected]
WOHS room number 550
»Students should contact WOHS teacher and Embry-Riddle liaison, Colonel Brian Noe if they are interested and/or want to learn more about the Embry-Riddle DE program.
» Students interested dual enrollment should schedule an appointment with their guidance counselor here


Orange Technical College Dual Enrollment website

Students must take a minimum of three (3) elective credits to be dual enrolled at an Orange Technical College. Participating students, meeting all established requirements, will graduate from WOHS and be eligible to participate in extracurricular activities including the graduation ceremony. There is no tuition or charge for books for public school students; however, materials costs, equipment, and/or uniform costs may apply. 

Enrollment Requirements

» 11th - 12th grade students 
» 2.0 unweighted high school GPA
» Meet qualifying test scores

Ms. Brandi Heidelberg

Email: [email protected]
WOHS Room Number 211 
» Students should email Ms. Heidelberg if they are interested and/or want to learn more about the OTC program and schedule an appointment with their guidance counselor here

» Visit the Orange Technical College website for more information, career exploration, and the full extent of options and programs available to our students.